
Located in the northernmost and thickest part of the strip of land that is Klong Yaidistrict, the fishing community of Ban Mai Root covers both sides of the mouth of itsnamesake river. Here, visitors can learn about the local fishermen’s way of life and how theirconservation efforts have helped make their livelihood sustainable. One of their successfulprojects is the “crab bank”, a common nursery for the village’s fishermen to leave any eggbearing blue swimmer crab (pu ma in Thai) found in their catch. Depending on its size, a berried pu ma can carry up to 2 million eggs. The crab bank gives the crustaceans a chanceto spawn before being sold in the market. The eggs are then allowed to hatch and thelarvae returned to the natural environment, ensuring that there will be new generations ofcrabs. Tourism is a new source of income for the villagers. Some families provide homestayand night-time boat tour along Mai Root River. The upstream area is home to at least twospecies of fireflies. Different species flash their light in different tempi.

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Date of taking this photo

July 27, 2019